Monash endorsement image

Monash Low FODMAP Endorsement

Monash University runs a certification program that tests and endorses retail products as being low in FODMAPs, including some delicious Leda Nutrition snacks. All certified Leda Nutrition products carry the Monash endorsement stamp on the packaging.
You can shop with confidence knowing that when you see the Monash University Low FODMAP Certification logo on Leda packaging, you will know that the product has been adequately assessed by the founders and experts of the low FODMAP diet and is guaranteed to have met the low FODMAP criteria established by the Monash University researchers.If you would like to understand more about what FODMAPS are and which foods contain FODMAPS  Click here to read our blog article about the FODMAP way of living.

The following Leda varieties have been endorsed by Monash University , and carry the Monash University Low FODMAP logo.




If you would like to understand more about what FODMAPS are and which foods contain FODMAPS  Click here to read our blog article about the FODMAP way of living.